Event Overview
Attend our 2024 BioBlitz to experience the ASCCA in a new way. Hike our Aspen Trail loop to learn about the fascinating flora and fauna of our conservation area.
- This is a family-friendly event aimed at all ages. We have picked a moderate trail route with the option of a shortcut to be accessible to most hikers.
- Parking for this event will be complimentary, however donations are appreciated!
- Please drop-in to this event any time between 1:00 and 3:00 pm. Register at our education building for a BioBlitz route map and guide to native species. Interpretive stations will run until 4:00 pm.
- Be prepared for the weather and pack appropriate footwear, clothing, water and sun protective gear.
- Register by emailing [email protected] or via our registration link
For our 2024 BioBlitz, we’ve set up an event page on iNaturalist https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ann-sandy-cross-conservation-area-bioblitz where those logged in to the app can see observations made.